摘要: | 全球化帶動的區域整合帶給亞太地區一個新的挑戰,由於區域各國之間存有高度異質性,造成在形塑區域網方面有著極大的困難,即使目前有類似「歐盟」的「東協」組織在亞太間逐漸形成區域網的初步基礎,但是目前仍然無法趕上歐洲組織的步調。中共近年的崛起,成為亞太地區的強權勢力,在其宣稱「和平發展」的口號後,致力於自身發展與發揮影響力至周遭區域,並希望藉此帶動區域間和平與穩定的發展,但是這也成為另一波政府組織與學界關於亞太地區「安全」與「經濟」的討論熱潮,同時也間接影響美國的世界「單極化」構思,中、美二強將亞太地區作為政治勢力的角力場,也為此地區發展帶來更多的不穩定因素。
Globalization-driven regional integration has brought a new challenge to the Asia-Pacific region. Due to the high degree of heterogeneity among countries in the region, shaping the regional network is extremely difficult. Even though there are organizations similar to the EU and ASEAN that serves as initial bases of the Asia-Pacific regional network, they still cannot catch up with the pace of European organizations. The rise of China leads to its becoming a great power in the Asia-Pacific region in recent years. In China’s claim of "peaceful rise", it is committed to its development and influence to the surrounding area. It would like to promote inter-regional peace and stability in development, but this has initiated another wave of discussion in governmental organizations and academia on the "safety" and "economy" in the Asia-Pacific region. Meanwhile, “peaceful rise” also indirectly affects the United States’ idea of "unipolarity"; China and the U.S. have turned the Asia Pacific region into a wrestling field of political force, as well as bringing more instability to regional development.
“Cross-strait problem" has become the focus of international concern after the Cold War, and its complexity includes all factors of Asia-Pacific countries, which also makes the handling process more difficult and complicated. Although China has repeatedly emphasized that this problem is an "internal affairs problem", from a regional perspective, cross-strait relations will affect the situation within the region; from an international perspective, if the United States and China clash, world politics and economy will suffer considerable degree of impact. Therefore, how to avoid cross-strait military conflict has become an important issue worthy of regional and global attention. Asia-Pacific region is closely related to cross-strait relations, the two have similar problems in current situation, such as history, culture, political ideology, military, economic, trade, etc. These factors are the reason why it is difficult to reach consensus among the countries in the region, and the same can be said to cross-strait issues. Thus, one could seek to settle the dispute by referring to the "two-track negotiation" mechanism adopted by regional organizations and make adjustments so that the mechanism can be the most suitable and acceptable one on the basis of the initial consultation for both sides of the strait, in order to promote peace talk and establish peace and stability. |