摘要: | 本研究主要目的在瞭解基隆市身心障礙者實際的生活狀況、與其在各種福利措施上的使用現況及滿意程度,並藉此調查結果提出規劃各項福利事業,以提供身心障礙者更專業與周全的服務。本研究採用問卷調查方式,問卷內容包括:身心障礙者基本資料、居住狀況、個人與家庭經濟狀況、工作狀況、福利服務及醫療照顧需求等問題。調查對象爲設籍基隆市之身心障礙者763人;調查時間自91年2月1日至5月31日進行,有效回收問卷爲689份(90.3%)。本研究結果如下:
The study is to explore the disabled real life situations and their satisfaction about the promotion of the social welfare policy. Its results will be used to propose planning each welfare project that leads to a more professional and better service. The approach of this study is use the questionnaire which including the disabled' basic data, personal and family financial situation, job situation, welfare service and medical care demand. The investigation objects were the 763 disabled who inhabits in Keelung. The investigation time was from February 1 to May 31 in 2002. There were 689 effective questionnaires (90.3%). The results are as follows:
Ⅰ. Basic data:
1. Among the disabled, 52.4% were male and 47.61% were female. The percentage of the education level including the illiterate, elementary school graduates and junior high school graduates is 74.8%. The marital status 40% of the married, 40% of the single, and 20% of the divorced or separated. 2. The classification of the disabled belongs to the multi-functional disability, major organ disability and the handicapped at most. The majority of the disabled belongs to the severe, partly caused by diseases and partly by heredity.
Ⅱ. The living condition of the disabled:
1. 90.7% of the disabled has their own house. More than 50% of them have the ability of taking care of themselves. There are 9.3 % of them living in the public nursery. 2. Those living in the public nursery have visitors from their families, once or twice a week, roughly 40% of the disabled. The handicapped and multi-functional disabled get the most visiting. The time living in the public nursery is one to three years, roughly 60% of the disabled. More than 70% of the disabled choose to live in the public nursery is because their families can not take care of them. There monthly expense (paid by themself) is 25,000 NT dollars, 23.5 % of the disabled and the highest percentage.
Ⅲ. Family and financial situation:
1. The disabled living in their own houses can be taken care of by their children, daughters-in-law or sprouts. There is 45.8% of the disabled taken care of by their parents and 27.1 % by their sprouts.
2. Their family financial expense is about 20,000 to 29,999 NT dollars at most. Those who can get even are 56% and those who can not make ends meet are 40.9%. 30% of the disabled gets financial support from their sons and daughters-in-law. There is only 11.6% of the disabled can afford by himself.
Ⅳ. Life and social welfare service demand:
1. Those who get governmental subsistence allowance is 57%, 3000 NT dollars per month (roughly 83.1% of them).
2. Almost 40% of the disabled go outside to get medical care in recent one month. The transportation tools they use could be car or motorcycle (28.5%), bus (29.3%) and taxi (16.9%).
Ⅴ. Suggestions to the government's related policies:
The social welfare services are the key points that our government can do for the disabled: subsistence allowance, the nursing system for the aged, and National pension system. |