摘要: | 許多消費者因爲速食連鎖店服務迅速、產品新鮮、環境整潔…等這些商店印象屬性特色,所以喜歡到速食店消費,促使本研究探討速食連鎖店消費者之商店印象重視度與滿意度相關的研究,並提出建議予速食業經營者、餐飲業者和相關單位參考。本研究使用個人基本資料調查表、商店印象重視度量表、商店印象滿意度量表,以便利抽樣的方式,對台北市速食連鎖店450位消費者進行問卷施測,在回收403份有效問卷後,將所得的資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、薛費事後比較統計方法分析。研究之結果爲:消費者最重視商店印象之項目依序爲環境是否整潔方面、店員的態度、地點的便利性;最不滿意商店印象的項目依序爲停車的方便性、其他消費的顧客、餐廳的氣氛;商店印象重視度會因爲性別、教育程度、日常生活步調的不同而有顯著差異存在;商店印象滿意度會因爲婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業、日常生活步調的不同而有顯著差異。
Many consumers shop at fast-food chain stores due to the image of fast service, fresh products, and neat environment, etc. The objectives of this research were to study importance and satisfaction of store image to the consumers in the fast-food chain stores. The objectives also were to offer the comments to the owners of the stores and relevant reagents. "Personal background survey", "importance of store image scale", and "satisfaction of store image" were used in this research. Convenience sampling by four hundred and fifty consumers shopping at the fast-food chain stores in Taipei city was used to carry out the questionnaire measurements. Four hundred and three valid questionnaires were returned. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic, independent-sample t-test, Chi-square test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffe's tests. Most important items for the consumer's store image were neat environment, clerk's attitude, and convenient location. Most unsatisfied items for the consumer's store image were available parking space, other customers' behavior, and atmosphere of "in-store" restaurant. Sex, education, and behavior of the consumers were significantly different at the important extent of store image. Marital status, age, education, occupation, and life step were significantly different at the satisfied extent of store image. |