摘要: | 建教合作是台灣地區國際觀光旅館獲得穩定基層人力的重要方式之一,故建教合作之過程,實習生的選用可謂各國際觀光旅館不可忽視的重要課題。本研究採質性研究,針對五間台北地區國際觀光旅館以面對面的訪談進行研究,並採用敘述分析與三角檢定等方式進行資料之分析與檢核,以期針對實習生之甄選有深入的瞭解。
The cooperative education was the important way for the international tourist hotels in Taiwan to obtain the basic manpower. Therefore, the course of cooperative education and trainees' recruitment was the key point which the international tourist hotels couldn't ignore. The study adopted the way of qualitative research to carry on research with face-to-face interview for five international tourist hotels in Taipei district, and used narrating analysis and triangulation to analysis qualitative materials to realize trainees' recruitment.
The main results of the study were as follows: when the international tourist hotels in Taipei district carried on trainees' recruitment, the way of face-to-face interview was adopted more. They regarded the terms as important basis, such as personal idiosyncrasy, attitude display, ability of language, appearance, demeanor, etc. It would be more favorable for trainees with relevant certificates. However, trainees' achievement at school would not be a main reference basis. Moreover, the international tourist hotels in Taipei district generally thought that trainees in universities and colleges were better than those in vocational high schools for intelligence maturity, knowledge level, fruits of learning, comprehension, adaptive capacity, respondent ability, replying skills, but not including the professional techniques. |