本文乃利用一系列自行合成之含羥基羧基偶氮染料,於不同酸鹼值 ( pH=3,4,5,6 )之染浴條件下,對聚酯/羊毛混紡織物進行染色實驗。在此實驗中,共採用了十八支染料來染色,並針對各個樣布作染著量、表觀色強度及染色堅牢度等測試之分析評估。從結果看來,染料的堅牢度合乎需求,且某幾支染料受酸鹼值影響的改變並不大,可知這幾支染料穩定性佳。而有幾支染料在染聚酯/羊毛混紡織物時,若控制酸鹼值之條件,則有相當接近之顏色及深度,可用作羊毛/聚酯混紡織物之單一染料染色用。
This paper was studied by using a series of containing hydroxyl and carboxyl group monoazo dyes. All dyes were dyed on polyester/wool blend fabric at different pH-value (pH=3,4,5,6) which were also evaluated the colour strength dye uptake and fastness properties. lt might be concluded that, the fastness of all the dyed samples were in accord with commercial require mean and Dye3C, DyelD, were suitable for polyester/wool blend fabrics.