The purpose of this research is to investigate the in f1uence of store atmosphere in changing consumer emotion, in addition, to study whether consumer emotion would affect consumer buying behavior. in order to understand the variables interference-personal characteristic of consumer materialistic is used to explore further relationship among research variables. This study used M-R environmental psychology model and S-O-R situation model as reference model to develop it's research model. Questionnaire were collected from major department stores in Kaohsiung city. Trained staff were using mall-intercepted method to selcet samples which are set for the study, aged 18 to 25 years old, modem young peop1e who understand the material and the extent of invo1vement of the store atmosphere aftfect demand. The research findings show: its five stores atmosphere configuration of the face of consumer sentiment, with some significant differences in consumer sentiment for the purchase of a significant positive relationship between store atmosphere of the impact of the purchase a1so significant differences in the material to interfere with the atmosphere of the store variables than expected, the assumption that consumer sentiment instead of direct interference in turn affect buying behavior.