本研究主要設計概念是以英國次文化Mods族當中Teddy Boys的元素應用於服裝織品上。展現出不同款式的風格,服裝製作是採平面打版與立體剪裁的方式,製作出符合設計所需要的款式,再藉由不同的色彩、布料特性來表現,以突顯Teddy Boys的服飾風格,再與現代流行做結合,企圖呈現出服飾織品的視覺與流行的美感。
The main design concept of this study was to apply Teddy Boys' elements from the Britain sub-culture on the textile. In order to show the style of different pattern, the clothes' manufacturing used pattern making and draping skills to produced in line with the required design style. In the case of highlight the Teddy Boys' style by the different color and fabric characteristics. The design also combined the modem pop with an attempt to show the vision and popular aesthetic of the apparel fabrics.