本研究將蜂巢結構進行無電極電鍍,將鎳離子懸浮在鍍液中, 利用氧化還原反應使蜂巢結構得到完整的金屬包覆層,賦予有純金屬一般優異的導電性,探討其對電磁波吸收效益之影響。本實驗改變蜂巢狀結構之厚度、孔徑與電鍍時間等已進行測試,探討無電極電鍍後蜂巢結構對各種變因最大之吸收值效益。
This research is utilized the honey comb structure with the electronless plated by oxidize reduction reaction to make the structure has a complete metal film and measure the electromagnetic wave absorption. The study is discussing the different honey-comb thickness, the size of the honey-comb diameter and the different time of electronless plated to understand the best values.