本實驗利用海藻酸鈉與氯化鈣藉由液中硬化法包覆以溶劑萃取法和蒸餾法之咖啡萃取物,以不同比例混合交鏈10分鐘形成海藻酸鈣囊,以此為初始條件進行香質及強度的比較。由實驗結果得知,溶劑萃取法之香質77較蒸餾法草取之香質75接近咖啡之香質79。咖啡萃取量隨著時間的增加有上升的趨勢,但萃取時間超過3小時後,香質則降到77以下。然而咖啡萃取物與2%海藻酸鈉以不同比例下進行強度和色覆率的測試中, 咖啡萃取物與2%海藻酸鈉以2:2比例的強度1790、色覆率87.42±3.68%為佳;而以2:4的比例混合所得到的釋放速率180sec較2:2的釋放速率150sec佳。
In this study the use of sodium alginate and calcium chloride solution hardening method by coating with solvent extraction and distillation of the coffee extract to different combinations of cross-linked for 10 rninutes to form calcium alginate capsules, as the initial conditions fragrance and intensity of comparison. Learned from the experiment, solvent extraction of the fragrance of 77 compared with distillation extraction ofthe fragrance 75 near the coffee fragrance 79. Coffee extraction volume increased over time, there is an upward trend, but more than 3 hours after extraction, aroma fragrance dropped to 77 below. However, the proportion of calcium alginate capsules under a different rate of strength and coated test. the intensity of 1790 to 2:2, the rate of 87.42% is better. Calcium alginate capsules to be mixed with 2:4 ratio of release rate 180sec is better than 2:2 release rate 150sec.