1990年代Anssi Paasi以地史取向研究方法,透過一系列的關於英格蘭地區與芬蘭的研究操作,逐漸累積新區域地理學的經驗研究,也建立了新區域地理學關於地方與區域研究的分析架構。本文以苗栗縣南庄爲研究區域,應用Paasi所謂的地史取向研究方法,剖析南庄地方的資源開發、區域發展與區域變遷,並探討地史取向研究方法在臺灣地方與區域研究的應用。研究發現,該研究取向不僅在高度制度化地區如英格蘭有良好的解釋能力,應用於臺灣具有特殊歷史、地理背景的地方研究,對於區域變遷的動態過程與區域化,也就是區域解構與再結構過程,亦具有良好的解析能力。換言之,Paasi的地史取向研究方法,可供新區域地理學進一步建構分析架構與方法論的基礎。
This paper presents a discussion of the Anssi Paasi's geohistorical approach and his research experience on regional studies of England and Finland; describes the establishing of the analytic framework concerning regional and area studies of the new regional geography, and attempts using Paasi's geohistroical approach through a reassessment of area studies drawn from filedwork in Nanjhuang Area, a north village of Miaoli county. From findings of our case study, it is quiet promising that Paasi's approach provides geographers with conceptual and methodological tools for developing a more coherent agenda for a 'new regional geography', as well as enhances our understanding of societal evolution and its spatial heterogeneity in Taiwan.