With the development and progress of the information technology, using the information technology combined the Internet applies to the disaster preventing and controlling has become the tendency at present develops. The government also uses the convenience of the Internet platform to transmit the disaster preventing information to the common people. But, the information which the government transmits is not necessarily for the people need and understanding and lack of the populace to participate. Therefore, this research gained the demand of residents by field survey and interview. Then we integrate the Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) into the community disaster preventing and controlling website using the free technology of website development system and web map service. The website provides a way without time and space limitation for the community populace, promoting its interaction and friendliness. The interactive map gives clear disaster preventing information, improves the opportunity of the inhabitants’ participation and builds a bridge between the community populace and the disaster preventing information. The community populace can discuss and share the disaster preventing information through the website. The community disaster preventing and controlling interactive website will be a demonstrative website as a "knowing" and "saying" platform for the populace to participate in the disaster preventing work.