雙至多颱風間以及颱風與高層冷渦間的交互作用是大氣科學重要研究課題之一。民國八十八年八月六日至八日間,在日本南方與台灣西方海面颱風保羅( Paul ) 與瑞琪爾 ( Rachel ) 分在日本南方與台灣西南方洋面,而在此同時,割離型高層冷渦則在長江口以南活動,本文利用NCEP/NCAR1° × 1°再分析資料探討三者間路徑之關係。
During the period between August 6 to August 8, 1999, Typhoon Paul and Rachel, located at the seas north of Japan and southwest of Taiwan, respectively. In the same period a Palmen type upper level cold core low was developed over the north of the Young-Tze river region. It was quasi-stationary during it life span. By the use of NCEP/NCAR 1° × 1° reanalyzed data set, their relative motion is study. Result indicates the two typhoon’s tracks were mainly controlled by steering. But counterclockwise relative motion was also existing. Furthermore, the upper level cold core low played another role in their tracks.