本研究以中國文化大學15位女性教職員為受試者,利用儀器測量1.體重2.脈博3.仰臥起坐4.坐姿體前彎5.俯臥後仰6.腰圍等六個項目,由88年10月4日起至88年12月30日止,將訓練前和訓練後所測得資料輸入電腦,用統計套裝軟體 (SPSS) 相依樣本T檢定 (T-test) 以P<.05為顯著水準,以探討瑜珈訓練對女性教職員的體適能是否有顯著差異,其結果是:
一、受試者在體重和腰圍二個項目之差異並不顯著 (P>.05)。期望以後能夠以長期的瑜珈訓練結合其他運動處方再做研究。
二、受試者在訓練前和訓練後的脈博、仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、俯臥後仰等四個項目皆達到顯著水準 (P<.05)。由本研究證實短期(三個月)的瑜珈訓練對增進體適能項目中的柔軟度和腹肌力有很好的效果。另外脈博次數的減少亦代表心肺耐力的增強。
Fifteen Chinese Culture University female officers who took Yoga Training were subjects in this study which the main purpose was to investigate six items measured by scientific instruments: 1.weight 2.pu.lse 3.sit-up 4.sit and reach 5.back hyperextension 6.waist line.
Data inputting which collected from October 4, 1977 to December 30, 1999 was processing via computer and calculated by static software, SPSS, and P < .05 was the stander level in order to run T-test to consider if the yoga training affects physical fitness change toward female officers. The results showed that:
(1)There was indistinct difference showed between weight and waist line. (P > .05) (2)Pulse, sit-up, back hyperextension and sit and reach were showed obviously changes after training. (P < .05)