由潟湖岩蕊重金屬 /A1分佈的結果顯示,除了潟湖南邊地帶,近期已遭受些微Cr、Cu重金屬污染外,潟湖北邊地帶環境,尚未遭受重金屬污染。
潟湖海水營養鹽濃度平均為NH4+22.8±6.8μM,PO4-31.67±0.48μM,SiO213.8±6.1μM;日間的營養鹽底棲通量平均為NH4+18.8±7.7mmole m-2day-1,PO4-31.33±0.60mmole m-2day-1,SiO27.58±6.76mmole m-2day-1,營養鹽底棲通量至少供應潟湖海水營養鹽含量約NH4+21%,PO4-320%,和SiO214%。
The distributions of heavy metal /Al of the sediment cores imply that the northern zone of the Chi-Ku lagoon is not polluted by heavy metals,but the southern zone of the Lagoon has slightly polluted by Cr and Cu,recently.
The benthic flux of SiO2 in the Lagoon is mainly affected by sedimentation of the diatom from the water column. There is more benthic flux of SiO2 in Fall and Winter than in Spring and Summer. In the northern zone of the Lagoon, the benthic fluxes of NH4+ and PO4-3 are regulated by sedimentation of organic carbon from the water column,influence of water temperature on production of the regenerated nutrients,and removal of the regenerated nutrients in the sediment. There are more benthic fluxes of NH4+ and PO4-3 in Fall and Winter than in Spring and Summer. In the southern zone of the Lagoon, the benthic fluxes of NH4 + and PO4-3 are influenced by sedimentation and input of terrigenous organic carbon from the Chi-Ku Chi. The benthic fluxes of NH4+ and PO4-3 are higher in Summer than in Fall and Winter. The average nutrient concentrations of the coastal waters in the Lagoon are 22.8 ± 6.8 μ M NH4+,1.67 ± 0.48 μ M PO4-3,13.8 ± 6.1μ M SiO2. During the day,the average benthic fluxes of the nutrients are 18.8 ± 7.7mmolem-2day-l NH4+, 1.33 ± 0.60 mmolem-2day-l PO4-3,7.58 ± 6.76 mmolem-2day-1 SiO2 . The nutrients contributed by the benthic flux to the coastal water of the Lagoon are about 21% NH4+, 20% PO4-3,and 14% SiO2 at least.