本文分析及修改一一維電磁粒子模擬碼,並利用Visual Fortran繪圖程式建立模擬碼中所須之系診斷圖形介面,使其可在個人電腦及Compaq Visual Fortran環境下執行。本研究屬於我們PVM simulation project之第一階段;其與後續之計畫均將使耗時之模擬研究易於準備及作有效率之測試。
As a first step toward our PVM simulation project, a 1D electromagnetic partic1e simulation code is analyzed and modified to run with Compaq Visual Fortran, and the various diagnostic graphics are implemented in a PIII PC using basic Visual Fortran graphic routines. This makes the startup and testing of time-consuming simulation work easy and efficient on readily available platforms.