由逐時之GMS-5可見光衛星雲圖來看,於東部海面上經常存在明顯之輻合線(convergence line),出現時時間多半在下半夜到清晨之間,並在緩慢向東或東北方移動中逐漸消散,持續時間約半天到一天左右。這些輻合線一般不會對台灣陸地產生明顯的天氣現象影響,但確是研究地氣間相當有趣的科學性問題,因輻合線的產生顯然與台灣地形,及大氣環境有很大的關係。本文利用高解析度之可見光衛星雲圖、台灣及日本石恒島測站資料,以及QuikSCAT 衛星觀測之面風場資料,將2000年及2001年所觀測到之輻合線進行分類。首先,利用上述資料之海面分析風場,將輻合線分為東風分流、北風及南風,再依探空資料將其分為東風型及西風型。結果顯示,在多種不同上下層風場結構均有可能產生輻合線,初步認為與台灣東部之日夜變化及大氣穩定度有很大的關係。
The convergence lines occurred at the eastern part of Taiwan is usually observed based on the GMS-5 visible satellite pictures. These lines often initiate between the late night and early morning and last for half to one day. Then slowly moves toward the east or northeast of Taiwan and finally dissipate. There is no major impact on the weather of Taiwan Island, yet it is a very interesting scientific issue. The terrain, large-scale environment and diurnal variation appear to be the key factors in controlling the formation of the lines. In this study, the high resolution visible satellite imageries, around island soundings and QuikSCAT sea level wind are used to study the lines observed at years of 2000 and 2001. Based on the sea level wind and upper level sounding, the convergence lines are classified into several types. In addition, the GIMEX intense observation data is used to study the diurnal effect over the eastern part of Taiwan. This is a pioneer study of convergence lines occur at the eastern part of Taiwan. More studies will be done in the future.