四種不同之蔬果,分別浸泡五種有機硫代磷酸酯及二種胺基甲酸酯等農藥溶液中,取出後風乾,施用不同濃度 [ 0,1,3,5% ] 之鹽水攪拌洗滌,再以清水沖洗,分別測定洗滌前後的不同有機硫代磷酸酯及胺基甲酸酯等農藥之殘留量,經純化後,以氣相層析儀,火焰光度檢測器定量分析,而浸泡胺基甲酸酯農藥溶液後之蔬果,經純化後,注入高壓液相層析儀,以可視-紫外光偵測器,波長254nm測定。
結果顯示,清水可有效清除部份蔬果表面表面上部份殘留量,平均可除去在蔬果原有農藥殘留量約 50.6%,若要去除蔬果表面上更多的農藥殘留量,則可由鹽水溶液洗滌來達成;使用1% 鹽水溶液洗滌,平均可除去原有的蔬果農藥殘留量約74.4%,如使用較高濃度 [3%] 的鹽水溶洗滌蔬果上原有的農藥殘留量,平均可除去原有的蔬果農藥殘留量約63.6%,若使用更高5% 濃度的鹽水溶液,洗滌蔬果上的農藥殘留量,洗滌效果更差,平均可除去原來的蔬果農藥殘留量僅5 4%,故效果則以 1% 鹽水濃度為最佳,3% 則次之。
而不同濃度的食鹽溶液,對上述不同有機硫代磷酸酯及胺基甲酸酯等農藥的溶解度的結果,溶解度分別為1%鹽水 > 3%鹽水 > 5%鹽水,清水 >10%鹽水;更引證利用1% 鹽水洗滌蔬果上部份農藥殘留量的有效性。
The optimal conditions for removing the residues of organophosphorothioate and carbamate esters from the surfaces of fruits and vegetables by washing with saline were investigated. The residual levels of organophosphorothioate esters were determined by gas chromatography equipped with flame photometric detector, whereas the residual levels of carbamate pesticides by high pressure liquid chromatography equipped with UV-visible detector.
It was found that water can remove these pesticide residues effectively from the surfaces of fruits and vegetables averagely by 50.6% whereas 1, 3 and 5% of saline remove averagely by 74.4, 63.6 and 54%, respectively. Saline [1%] gives better results for removing residues from fruits and vegetables than the other salines [3 and 5%] and the effectiveness of washing effects was decreased in the following order: 1% > 3% > 5% saline or water.
The solubilities of the above pesticides in different concentrations [0, 1, 3 and 5%] of salines were also determined. It was found that the solubility of each pesticide is decreased in that order: 1% > 3% > 5% saline, water > 10%. These results validated the effectiveness of washing effect by 1% saline for removing the residues of pesticides from the surfaces of fruits and vegetables.