摘要: | 消費者的價格敏感度越低,代表消費者所能容忍的價格上漲幅度越高,進而可以提高企業之獲利能力。既有之文獻顯示,消費者價格敏感度與顧客滿意度、購買意願,均呈現負向關係。因此,如何降低消費者價格敏感,是企業創造、維持競爭優勢的重要課題之一。既有文獻中有關價格敏感度之前置變數的研究主要是探討人口統計變數、消費者之購物行為、產品之外部線索、消費者產品知識之程度、產品之替代性、及參與服務過程之程度等,對價格敏感度均有顯著的影響。鮮少有研究探討企業行銷策略,例如顧客賦權,之影響。顧客賦權是行銷策略的新思維之一。顧客賦權是使顧客感覺他們對於企業在產品組合的選擇上擁有控制力,被授權的顧客有權利參與產品的決策過程,最終的決策權並非完全掌握在生產者手中,而是以顧客的選擇作為企業的最終決策依據。此一行銷策略已普遍為許多產業之企業所採用,例如流行服飾業、消費性產品業(例如日本的Muji 公司)、飲料業(例如Mountain Dew)、電腦業(例如Dell)、食品業(例如M&M)、汽車業(例如Fia)、甚至是政黨 (例如澳洲的綠黨(Green Party))。本研究根據文獻初步發現,顧客賦權是藉由提供附加的權利、滿足感,以擴張消費者價值的一種方式。而價格敏感度主要是受價值認知的影響,亦即價值認知與價格敏感度呈顯著之負相關,因此本研究初步推論顧客賦權與價格敏感度在邏輯上呈顯著之負相關。本研究擬以台北市之兩家髮型設計連鎖店之顧客為訪問對象,以結構式問卷進行人員訪問,以實證資料檢定假設。最後,針對研究結果提出理論與管理上之含意。
The lower is an individual consumer’s price sensitivity, the higher is the consumer’s tolerance to the percentage of increase in product price and so is a company’s profitability. Existing literature has shown that price sensitivity is negatively related to customer satisfaction and willingness to purchase. Thus, lowering price sensitivity is one of the key success factors in the creation and maintenance of competitive advantage. The antecedent variables of price sensitivity examined in existing literature have been restricted to consumers’characteristics, behaviors, extrinsic attributes of products, consumer product knowledge, substitute variety, and customer participation. Little attention has been paid to the influence of marketing strategies, such as customer empowerment, on price sensitivity. Customer empowerment has received much attention of marketing scholars and practitioners recently. It is a marketing strategy that empowers customers to decide the final product that a company will sell in the market. Such a strategy has been adopted by firms of many industries, such as fashions, consumer products, beverages, computers, foods, auto mobiles, and even political parties. Based on existing literature, since customer empowerment adds to customers’power, satisfaction, and eventually perceived value, and since higher perceived value leads lower price sensitivity, we initially infer that customer empowerment is negatively related to price sensitivity. This study intends to use the consumer of two hair stylist chain stores as respondents. The data collecting method will be personal interviews with structured questionnaires. We will empirically investigate the research hypothesis and discuss the theoretical and practical implications of research results. |