摘要: | 中國文化大學華岡博物館創立於1971 年,是國內第一所綜合歷史、美術與自然科學的大學博物館(1999 年轉型以美術、歷史為主),館藏文物五萬餘件,包括近現代名家水墨畫、書法、油畫、水彩、中國歷代陶瓷、民俗文物及民俗版畫等。至2009 年11 月,書畫類典藏4136 件。 99 年度『近現代珍貴文物數位典藏系統之研製(VI):台灣近現代名家書畫(下)』為本館典藏文物數位化第六年計畫,類別包含水墨畫、書法、現代水墨、水彩、油畫、膠彩、版畫等。主要內容為:一、台灣近現代名家書畫,二、台灣收藏名家書畫。一、台灣近現代名家,包含1949 年前後渡海來台者、台灣早期本土書畫家、台灣藝壇新秀等,如于右任、黃君璧、張大千、李梅樹、林玉山、王壯為、呂佛庭、傅狷夫、曾后希、陳丹誠、吳承硯、孫家勤、歐豪年、廖修平、袁金塔等 168 位名家。二、台灣收藏名家,則有清代朱夢廬、任伯年、王震、謝公展與日治時代第18 任台灣總督長谷川清、香港嶺南派畫家趙少昂等30 位名家。全部作品共350 單件(319 組件)。華岡博物館與中國文化大學資訊傳播學系、資訊中心共同執行數位典藏計畫,以豐碩的學術研究內容及高品質數位化影像,建置書畫數位資料庫,開發數位博物館系統。從93-97年度執行迄今已完成1402筆後設資料與1502幅書畫數位化影像檔,目前98年度數位典藏計畫也正在執行中,完成之後預計書畫數位資料庫將達1699筆,未來期望透過豐富精緻的數位典藏系統永續經營,使近現代珍貴書畫藝術能完整呈現,並有效增進珍貴文物在教學、研究、展示、管理以及出版的應用。
Chinese Culture University Hwa Kang Museum, with a permanent collection of 50000 art works and artifacts, is the first comprehensive museum of its kind in Taiwan. Up to November 2009, its collection of painting and calligraphy contains 4136 items. This proposal is applying for the sixth year of digitalization of Hwa Kang Museum collection. We are planning to digitize 350 pieces of ink painting, calligraphy, contemporary ink painting, watercolor, oil painting, glue painting and printmaking works by: 1, 168 famous modern masters in Taiwan, such as: Yu You-ren , Huang Jun-bi, Zhang Da-qian, Li Mei-shu, Lin Yu-shan, Wang Zhuang-wei, Lu Fo-ting, Fu Juan-fu, Zeng Hou-xi, Chen Dan-cheng, Wu Cheng-yen, Sun Jia-qin, Au Ho-nien, Liao Xiu-ping, Yuan Jin-ta; 2, 30 other renowned artist, such as: Qing Dynasty’s Zhu Meng-lu, Ren Bo-nian, Wang Zhen, Xie Gong-zhan, the 18th Taiwan Governor Hasegawa Kiyoshi of Japanese reign, and Hong Kong’s Lin-nan School master Zhou Shao-ang. Since 2004, our project has collaborated the work of digital contents by Hwa Kang Museum and digital images by the Center for Information and communications of our University to finish digitizing 1502 pieces of precious art works from our museum collection. In this new proposal (part VI), we plan to use our digitization technique to expand our digital archives in order to broaden the application in teaching, research, exhibition and museum management. |