寬頻網路與Internet視訊會議技術的發展,使得網路遠距教學得以實現,並用於網路音樂演奏教學,自紐約曼哈頓音樂學院首先實施以來[1],已逐漸吸引世界各著名音樂教育機構加入。本計劃在建構一實際操作平台可使用於文化大學音樂系之網路音樂演奏教學與表演,並用此一平台進一步發展結構式音訊的應用。MIT media lab所發展之結構式音訊(SA)已成為MPEG-4 SA之規格。在計畫的發展方向,利用MIDI於Macintosh OS-X Tiger系統完成MIDI信號的網路meeting傳遞,並將MIDI控制信號驅動一即時編程系統CPS(freeware 軟體)[2]以MIDI或MPEG-4 SA方式合奏。我們以CPS的圖像式的編程環境可發展出特殊的樂器合成,包括古典吉他、修飾鋼琴音源與互動式演奏元素等。在不需雙向互動的演奏方面,可忽略網路延遲,可直接利用AVCON的視訊會議介面進行遠端演奏;在需雙向即時互動時,是以MIDI控制CPS方式達到NMP。
The broadband and internet technology has led us to use the video conferencing for distance education. The word "Network Musical Performance" is the idea to perform musical performance education through such system. This idea used to be unfeasible due to unavoidable network latency just a few years ago has now been vastly accepted and pioneered by the Manhattan Music school to offer up to 1700 distance learning students throughout the USA and the world. Followed this trend, the Electrical Engineering department of CCU cooperated with the Music department plans to set up a video conferencing platform served as a basis to put forth in developing various NMP tools for educational purpose. Due to the still limited performance of the current NMP system, we had decided to use the MPEG SA ideal to impose more elaborate function provided, such as using Classic Guitar with finger touch effect and Piano NoteOff velocity etc.. Through this project we will use MIDI meeting concept developed in Macintosh OS-X Tiger environment where the CPS, a real-time graphic music programming system that adopts MPEG-4 Structure Audio format, is used for the music playing. The attempt is to design a NMP conducting system where MIDI system exclusive control and proper hardware is used to control the CPS for that purpose. The video part is implemented by the video conferencing system currently experienced in the Electrical Engineering department and the Music department of CCU.