Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)的技術對於產品應用上帶來了龐大的商機,因此現今產學界積極研究與開發RFID應用於各種系統中;RFID系統架構中,電子標籤的EPC(Electronic Product Code)編碼格式之定義、RFID Middleware的資料處理能力、ONS (Object Name Service) Server的設計與建構、PML (Physical Markup Language) Server的管理與應用,都是目前研究的重點。RFID Middleware藉由TCP/IP網路通訊協定與讀取器溝通,以開發智慧型之讀取器,並且可以處理大量的標籤資料,同時透過ONS之功能,獲取PML Server的實體位址與資料庫平台相關之資訊;而RFID系統網路資訊平台可提供人員或物品在管制或物流追蹤系統中所有的相關資訊,諸如人員、物品、廠商、位置、標籤及讀取器資料等訊息,而使用者可透過WebServer以及中介軟體之整合監控界面,藉由XML(eXtensible Markup Language)資料格式傳輸來管理與搜尋資料庫中之相關資訊,進而透過網路之CGI (Common Gateway Interface)通訊協定,進行RFID系統狀態之即時監控與人員或物品之動態追蹤與管制。本論文應用網路技術與通訊協定建構一套以RFID為基礎之資訊平台與網路監控系統,以研發RFID網路資訊系統之關鍵性技術,進而進行系統整合,以測試及驗證系統功能。
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification technology for object surveillances and information collections. The application of the wireless radio frequency not only improves the identification efficiency of the tags and increases the processing speed of data, but also reduces the identification errors of the tags and increases the applicable convenience for RFID system. In this paper, the savant middleware, ONS server, and PML server of RFID networking system is designed and implemented by applying the internet protocol and networking technology. The main target of this paper is focused on developing the interfacing technology of savant middleware between RFID reader and database server to mediate the data flow from the clients and the enterprises. Moreover, the networking surveillance technology is used to monitor the readers and capture the tag data by using Web server and the internet. The networking information platform of RFID system is developed and demonstrated for RFID applications in this thesis.