摘要: | 本論文首先以瞿蛻園等先生校注之《李白校注》為底本,摘錄李白詩題或詩中出現「春、夏、秋、冬」之篇什。統計結果:秋詩225首居冠,春詩161首第二,冬詩6首第三,夏詩1首為末。綜合計算:秋詩約佔李白詩歌總創作之22.98%,此數字當不包含月令在秋或景色為秋而無秋字者之作品。此外,卷一古賦八首,亦存有〈悲清秋賦〉一篇,在在證明「秋」於李白文學之重要性。分析李白秋季節運用,主要展現在兩方面:第一、 繼承統傳統宋玉「悲秋」原型基調,包含:(1)觸景生情;(2)歲月推移;(3)感士不遇。睹秋景之衰,感日月之逝,而帳然興發年壽將盡之生命悲慟;並且遠紹屈宋「不遇」情懷,隱喻失志與無成,恐懼戒慎於自我生命價值之落空。第二、拓展傳統「悲秋」之內涵,包含:(1)題材多元;(2)淡化悲秋;(3)省思悲秋。於是脫出「悲秋」原型的描寫範疇,開拓更寬廣之寫作途徑;體認人類之究竟,而超越個人式感傷,進入宇宙哲學意境;以其天性之雄邁氣質,淡遠為尚,表達一種對秋清朗之頌讚與不可把捉之韻味;上述幾點對中唐以後,尤其宋代文學中秋季節之描述,影響極大,具承先啟後之地位。
First, this paper is based on the Bai Li's proofread Poems that is proofread by Mr. Tui-Yuan Qu. Then, the writer finds a result that the number of poems about autumn is No.1, and spring is No.2, and winter is No.3, and summer is the last. After computing, the poems about fall possess 22.98 percent (1/5) of all Bai Li's writings. This number doesn't include the works produced in fall but hasn't any word about "fall". Besides, in the volume one, there is one about fall which is named "Compose of morose fall" of all the old composes. Above-mentioned are the revetments for how important "fall" is of Bai Li's creative works. By analyzing how he used "falls", two aspects are presented primarily: First that inherit the Yu Song's fundamental key of conventional idea. It contains (1) to see a scene which recalls past memories; (2) moving of time and seasons; (3) feel sad about his bad vicissitudes in his life. Seeing the rest scene of fall, sighing with a feeling of wasting time, and then becoming aware of the end of life, pitifully ascertaining Yuan Qu and Yu Song's dire emotion, it's a metaphor about frustration and failure, that full of scare of coming to nothing about self s living worth. Second, that opens up the connotations of the tradition that poets always regard the fall to be morose, being comprise in: (1) diversified themes; (2) lower sad mood of fall; (3) introspection of sad fall therefore, by getting rid of the stereotype that poets always have sad mood about fall, he expand wider writing approach which depend on the operating of time, to understand what human beings' are. Bai Li surpass the self sentimental, to enter the boundary of universal philosophy; he uses his natural vigorous and magnanimous disposition, to express the simplicity he has light and far, show one poetic tone of praise the relaxed fall and ungraspable appealing tone. Above-mentioned, affects deeply a period of time after mid-Tang, especially the description of mid-fall in the Song dynasty's literature, having the important position to be the heir to ancient sages and the teacher of posterity. |