本研究主旨在探討以拉擠成型法來製作纖維/熱塑性聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)之預浸 材及其在三明治結構複合材料上之應用。首先探討聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯預聚合物之合成條件, 藉樹脂變數調整來控制PMMA 預聚合物之分子量與黏度,再將此預聚合物經一特別設計之 拉擠成型設備,利用玻璃纖維與碳纖維強化熱塑性PMMA 樹脂為系統,藉助高分子反應動 力學與複合材料測試方法,配合各種儀器及電子計算機模擬,多方面探討以尋求最佳之樹脂 配方與拉擠成型加工條件,以製作性質優異之玻璃纖維/PMMA 與碳纖維/PMMA 預浸材。 再將這些預浸材埋於發泡材、平板材或蜂巢結構之上下表層,以製作三明治結構之複合材 料。 本研究計畫之主要探討重點如下: 1. 探 討 PMMA 預聚合物合成之變數,以黏度計、FTIR 測量其黏度及轉化率, 以得到最適合拉擠成型加工之預聚合物。 2. 研 究 熱 塑 性 PMMA 應用在拉擠成型加工之可行性參數, 包括樹脂黏度與溫 度之關係、樹脂操作時間、樹脂反應性、樹脂與纖維形態學之探討。 3. 探 討 拉 擠 成 型 加 工 參 數 對 玻 璃 纖 維 /PMMA 與碳纖維/PMMA 之預浸材性質 之影響。 4. 測 試 各 種 條 件 拉 擠 成 型 預 浸 材 之 性 質 , 以尋求最佳性質之玻璃纖維/PMMA 與碳纖維/PMMA 預浸材。 5. 將 熱 塑 性 玻 璃 纖 維/PMMA 與碳纖維/PMMA 之預浸材埋於發泡板、平板材 或蜂巢板之上下表層, 製成三明治結構複合材料, 尋求其加工變數。 6. 探 討 不 同 纖 維 型 式 (玻璃纖維與碳纖維)對熱塑性預浸材與三明治結構複合 材料各種性質之影響。 This project investigates a proprietary pultruded process to manufacture fiber/thermoplastic polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) prepregs and its application for sandwich composites. To study the synthesized variables of PMMA prepolymer, and utilize this prepolymer as matrices to manufacture glass fiber/PMMA and carbon fiber/PMMA prepregs by controlling the molecular weight, viscosity of PMMA prepolymer and through the self-designed pultrusion faculity. The PMMA prepolymer were used directly and polymerized in the pultrusion die. Meanwhile, combining these prepregs and foam plate, plane plate or honeycombed structure to manufacture the sandwich structure composites. This research project will include the following subjects: 1. To study the synthesized parameters of PMMA prepolymer by viscometer, FTIR, in order to obtain the optimum prepolymer for pultrusion processes. 2. To study the process feasibility of thermoplastic PMMA, including the relationship between resin viscosity and temperature, resin pot life, resin reactivity, and morphology between resin and fiber. 3. To study the effects of thermoplastic glass fiber/PMMA and carbon fiber/PMMA prepregs on pultruded processing parameters. 4. To test the properties of pultruded prepregs, in order to seek the optimum properties of lass fiber/PMMA and carbon fiber/PMMA prepregs. 5. To combining these prepregs and foam plate, plane plate or honeycombed structure to manufacture the sandwich structure composites, and search the process variables. 6. To investigate the effects of fiber type (glass fiber and carbon fiber) on properties of thermoplastic prepregs and sandwich structure composites.