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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://irlib.pccu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/21501

    Title: 複合式訓練對籃球選手下肢肌力、速度、爆發力及肌肉損傷之影響
    The Effects of Complex Training on Muscular Strength, Sprint Velocity, Power and Muscle Damage in Basketball Players
    Authors: 吳慧君
    Contributors: 運教所
    Keywords: 複合式訓練
    complex training
    muscular strength
    muscle damage
    Date: 2009-08
    Issue Date: 2012-02-23 10:47:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 已有相當多的研究指出,陸上的增強式訓練會增加肌力及爆發力。然而由於此一能力的增加與肌肉伸張反射、高離心落地及增強式訓練型態之爆發本質有關,容易造成急性肌肉酸痛甚或肌肉損傷等。因此,本研究去年之國科會計畫(NSC 97-2410-H-034-029-)即在探討在水中從事增強式訓練是否可以藉著水的浮力減少離心落地所帶來的衝擊力量,而又可以提供同樣足夠的刺激,達到像在陸上一樣的生理效果及運動表現。然水中訓練畢竟有其方便性上之限制,因此,除水中增強式訓練外是否可以經由陸上一次的訓練課程中,達到同時增強肌力及爆發力之目的,且其效果又比單獨實施重量訓練或增強式訓練來得顯著是本次計畫主要之研究方向。方法是以20名大學甲一級男子籃球運動代表隊為研究對象,每位受試者分別接受6週不同實施順序之複合式訓練;所有前測項目均在季前期開始前一週內完成。前測完成後將20名隊員隨機分成WP組(先重量訓練後增強式訓練)及PW組(先增強式訓練後重量訓練)二組,展開為期6週之季前期訓練計畫並依組別分別將一週2次,每次60分鐘之複合式訓練融入訓練計畫中;再於第6週施予後測。所得資料以混合設計二因子(2訓練方法 × 2時間)變異數分析(two-way ANOVA),分析不同訓練方式對下肢等速最大力矩、爆發力、速度、間歇無氧動力、最大肌力及肌肉損傷之影響是否有顯著差異,以α= .05為顯著水準。本研究結果預期可瞭解不同實施順序的複合式訓練對下肢肌力、速度、爆發力及肌肉損傷之影響,是否會優於單獨只實施重量訓練或增強式訓練;此外,實施之順序是否也會影響其訓練成效之情形。
    Numerous studies have reported that ground-based plyometric training can improve muscular strength and power; but the increase in strength and power is related to the use of stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) of the muscle and high-intensity eccentric contraction during ground contact, which can potentially result in acute muscle soreness and damage. In our previous NSC research (NSC 97-2410-H-034-029-), aquatic plyometric training (APT) was proven to have similar benefits with reduced risks because of the buoyance of water. However, APT requires special equipments, which are usually not accessible in daily training. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different patterns of ground-based complex training (the combination of strength training and plyometric training) on strength and power performance. Twenty male college basketball players will go through 6 weeks of complex training. The pre-test of the subjects will be administrated within one week before the pre-season. After the pre-test, the subjects will be randomly divided into WP group and PW group. The WP group will perform weight training followed by plyometrics training. The PW group will perform exactly the same training program in reversed order. The training session is 60 min and will be carried out twice a week for 6 weeks. The maximal isokinetic torque, power, speed, intermittent anaerobic power, maximal strength and muscle damage will be measured again after 6 weeks. A Two-by-two mixed factorial two-way ANOVA will be used to evaluate the difference between the performance in pre-test, post-test and different training order. The α is set at .05.
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Physical Education] project

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