這為期21個月的NSC計畫已執行了7個月,一如當初計畫描說,第一年主要工作是在臺灣地震震度問題上。利用前人研究和臺灣過去12年自由場強地動資料,初步提出一個分五級的臺灣地震災害指標: I-沒有災害,II-非常輕微,III-輕微,IV-中度,V-嚴重。利用這初步提出的臺灣地震災害指標把臺灣過去12年內十個震災地震重新定位。
This twenty-one-month NSC project has been carried out for seven months. As applied, the main task for the first year (from November 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012) is to work on intensity scale problem in Taiwan. Taking advantage of a previous study and twelve-year, free-field strong motion data in Taiwan, a preliminary, five-level earthquake damage index is proposed: I-No (damage), II-Very Light, III-Light, IV-Moderate, and V-Heavy in the first-year of this NSC project. Moreover, ten damaging seismic events in the past twelve years are redefined using this new earthquake damage index.