After the 1999 Chichi Earthquake, several active structures are well study at the fold-and-thrust belt in western Taiwan. Some of these morphological marks (e.g. alluvial fan, river terrace, etc.) and tectonic characteristics have been observed from the surface deformation. Combined to the tectonic offsets, the chronological framework of emplacement and abandonment of these geomorphic markers is thus a fundamental data to determine fault slip-rates integrated over several tens to several hundreds of thousands years. But, alluvial material younger than 50 ky old could be dated through radiocarbon method the datable material is generally poorly preserved due to the weathering context. To achieve these scientific goals, the analysis should combine both the quantitative geomorphology and the statistical curve fitting from the cosmogenic nuclides concentration (10Be, 26Al) measured in alluvial terraces profile. Accurate dating requires both the quantities of the post-depositional production of 26Al and 10Be, and the sampling depths could be up to 10-20 meters. By using the cosmogenic radionuclide concentration at depth profile, the method deduces both the inheritance and the deposition age of the surface. This project is organized around methodological and thematic tasks aiming at characterizing deformation behaviour of different morphostructural units, activity changes along fault and landscape evolution. Within the highly active context of the western Taiwan, this project objectives are quantifying the uplift/incision rates at different time scales using in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides in river-borne sediments and alluvial terrace deposits), and (2) reconstructing the tectonic and landscape evolution of the fold-and-thrust belt, detailed geomorphic quantification and time controls will be obtained using cosmogenic radionuclides dating.