摘要: | 本研究是一套以"樹形連結文法" (Tree Adjoining Grammar, 簡稱TAG) 為核 心的句法線上教學系統,使用對象是以中文為母語的法語學習者。整套課程分為 三部份:11 課“樹形連結文法”原理,為95 年度計畫,已結案;18 課法文動詞簡 單句,97 年度計畫,正執行中;25 課中法文對照複句-附屬關係,為預備申請之 新計畫。三大單元環環相扣,卻又可各自獨立。學習者可依據各自需求,找出最 適合自己的學習步驟及進度。 "樹形連結文法"運用一個字對應一個樹節的觀念,從最簡單的樹到最複雜的 樹的組合過程,和字、詞組、簡單句到複雜句的演變過程,有著異曲同工之妙。 以此方法學法文,學習者擁有的將不再只是零碎的、拼湊起來的概念,而是完整 而有系統的句法組織架構。若能掌握核心句型,再利用不同的組合方式,便可造 出無數合乎文法的句子。 本計畫課程以法文複句中的附屬關係為主,在比較法文/中文複句句法後, 依據兩者差異度大小,將法文複句句法分類,再用"樹形連結文法"解析法文/中文 對照模型句及例句,最後將所有內容放入教學網站。 本研究預計進行兩年。第一年將完成理論建立、課程排序、編寫及網站框架 製作;第二年預計完成"樹形連結文法"模型化、附屬詞詞典編寫、課程互動式網 頁設計及製作。
The research is an online syntax teaching system which is founded on Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG for short), the target is French learners who use Chinese as first language. The courses are divided into three parts: 11 lessons, the annual plan in 2006, is the principle of Tree Adjoining Grammar, and the case was closed; 18 lessons, the annual plan in 2007, is the simple sentence of French verbs, and the case is carrying out; 25 lessons is the hypostasis in complex sentences between Chinese and French. Those three units can be regarded as a union; also, they can be separated into individual one. According to their self-demanding, learners could discover the most suitable learning step and progress. TAG, based on the concept that “one word corresponds to a branch,” is a constitution process from the simplest to the most complex structure of the tree. The composing of TAG is similar to the evolving process from words to syntagms, form simple sentences to complex one. Instead of a fragmented and disparate vision of grammar, it enables the student to have a complete, systematic and global grasp of syntactic structures. If the student masters the nuclear sentences, by varying them, he can produce an infinity of grammatically correct sentences. The courses in this plan are mainly the hypotaxis in French complex sentence. After the comparison of the syntax in French / Chinese complex sentences, we classify the syntax of French complex sentence, according to the degree of variation, and then analyze the French / Chinese comparison and example sentences with the method of “TAG”.We put all the contents into the teaching website in the end. We expect to accomplish the research within two years. The establishment of the theories, the arrangement of the courses and the settlement of websites will be finished in the first year; the modularity of TAG, the compiling of hypotaxis dictionary and the design of the interactive course websites will be finished in the second year. |