摘要: | 98年度商業優化人才培訓計畫,為達成塑造優質商業環境,推動創新商業服務之計畫願景,訂定「優化商業知識與人才,提升優質商業支援能量」之全程計畫目標,擬定「建立優化學習環境」、「養成優化輔導顧問」、「累積優化知識資源」作為計畫推動要點。並於執行期間內完成下列工作事項:一、邀請產、官、學、研各界專家,組成「培訓審查委員會」,擬定商業服務業優化人才培訓方向、監督各項培訓作業。二、完成商業優化人才培訓17門課程,核定培訓人數計340人次。三、辦理商業優化顧問師培訓,培訓48小時,人數計20人。四、辦理商業優化研討活動,北中南區共計6場,參與人數達321人次。五、完成製作18小時數位教材。六、完成商業優化診斷服務107例。期能有助於建立國內商業服務業充份資訊流通環境,落實讓台灣服務(Served by Taiwan) 成為台灣新產業標誌,期與「台灣製造」(made in Taiwan)同享國際盛名,再創經濟奇蹟。
The commerce optimized talent's training plan in FY98, moulded the high-quality business environment in order to reach, the plan of promoting innovative commercial service wishes the scene, stipulate "optimize commercial knowledge and talent, and raise good commercial support energy", draft "sets up and optimizes the academic environment", "form and coach a advisor optimally", "accumulate and optimize the knowledge resource" that promotes the main point as the plan. And finish the following working items in execution: 1. invite producing, officer, learning, grinding the experts from all walks of life, make up ' train the examination board ', draft the commerical services optimize the talent training direction, supervise every training homework. 2. handle the commerce and train and subsidize the homework optimally, finish 17 courses , authorize, subsidize number, count 340 people. 3. handle the commerce and optimize advisor and teacher to train, finish course for 48 hours, train the number of people to count 20. 4. handle the commerce and discuss the activity optimally, the middle and southern district in the north adds up to 6 times, number of participants reaches 321 persons. 5. finish making teaching materials of the digit of 18 hours. 6. finish commerce's diagnosing 107 services optimally. One can contribute to setting up the adequate information flow environment of our country's commerical services, implement and let Taiwan serve (Served by Taiwan) Sign it become Taiwan industry it is new, issue and ' make Taiwan ' (made in Taiwan) Enjoy the international great reputation together, and then achieve the economic miracle. |