在金門之烈嶼選擇10-15處不同生育地形,每處設置5個1×100 m2的帶狀橫截樣區,研究海岸植物組成、植物群落。樣區從海水帶向內延伸至陸地,樣區內以1×1m方形樣框,調查植物定量特徵(優勢度、密度)、植物定性特徵(社會度),和紀錄生育地特性,以分析植群的梯度變化,作為研究植被演替的依據。植群分類,先算出各小區內相似性係數,以矩陣群圖分析法為之。植群和環境的相關性,則用排序法測定之,用主成份分析法分析植群變化和環境梯度間的關係。研究本區植物演替的動態變化,繪製成植群演替剖面圖,以為進行保育工作的策略依據。最後,以2×2關聯表,計算本區優勢植物的生長相關性,找出互為伴生種或相互排斥的植物種類,作為海岸地區復育原生植被的參考。
The survey will be concentrated on Lie Yu Island of Kim Moi Area. Samplings plots will be set on the vegetation sites that presenting typical habitats of the coast areas. Belt transect plot of 1×100m2 wildth by length will be used for the study. Five sampling plots for each habitat will be applied. Vegetation data will be collected within the 100m2 plot by 100 1x1 m2 unit (as subplot). Quantitative data such as dominance and density, as well as qualitative characteristic of each plant species, and the description of habitats will be recorded to analyze the gradient variation of vegetation and the succession patterns of the area. Vegetation classification is achieved by the method of matrix cluster analysis. Ordination between vegetation and environment factors will be completed by using PCA (Principle components analysis) method. In order to obtain the knowledge of growth patterns, each paired of dominant species will be compared and tested by the method of “2×2 contingency table.” The data can be taken as reference to the restoration strategy for coastal plants of the island.