摘要: | 中國文化大學華岡博物館為國內第一所綜合性大學博物館,館藏美術及歷史 文物五萬餘件。至民國九十六年十二月,館藏書畫達四千一百一十七件,以溥心 畬的作品為最大宗。 溥心畬為一九四九年渡海來台的水墨書畫家,在中國美術史上與張大千並稱 為「南張北溥」。台灣光復後藝壇水墨畫興起,溥心畬為當時最具代表性之文人 畫家,在台期間創作量豐富,品質精湛,遺留下來的作品是後世重要的藝術瑰寶。 此外,溥心畬來台後不僅在師範大學美術系任教,也設帳授徒,作育英才,影響 甚遠,對台灣的美術發展,有高度的貢獻。 中國文化大學華岡博物館於九十三、九十四、九十五年度典藏數位化工作 中,已完成五十四件溥心畬書畫作品。今年的『近現代珍貴文物數位典藏之研製 IV:溥心畬書畫與手稿』為本館文物數位化第四年計畫,擬以溥心畬之水墨畫、 書法、手稿為主要數位化內容,別計六十一個組件,共計三百一十二個單件。次 要為完成溥心畬之族人(清皇室)門生,包括溥傑、溥佺、唐石霞、吳詠香、江 兆申等人之書畫作品數位化,別計二十七個組件,共計一百三十八個單件,總計 為四百五十個單件。 本計畫期望能運用成熟的資訊科技與數位典藏經驗,建置溥心畬書畫數位資 料庫,進而有效推廣其作品在教學、研究、展示、管理上的應用。未來更希望集 結台灣地區其他典藏機構資料,成立溥心畬書畫數位典藏中心。
Chinese Culture University Hwa Kang Museum, with a permanent collection of 50,000 art works and artifacts, is the first and largest comprehensive college museum in Taiwan. Its collection of painting and calligraphy contains 4,117 items, in which Pu Xin-yu’s works are the biggest collection by a single artist. Pu Xing-yu came to Taiwan from Mainland China in 1949. He and Zhang Da-qian are well-known in Chinese Art History as “Northern Pu and Southern Zhang”. After the retrocession of Taiwan, ink painting has become more popular and Pu has been the most renowned contemporary scholar artist. His works are outstanding in both quality and quantity and is an art treasure for the future generation. Furthermore, after arriving Taiwan, he had taught in the art department of Taiwan Normal University, as well as at his home studio, therefore, his contribution in art education has had vast influences in art world. This proposal, “Pu Xin-yu’s Painting, Calligraphy and Manuscript”, is for the fourth year of digitalization of Hwa Kang Museum’s collection. In 2004, 2005 and 2006’s projects, we have digitized 54 pieces of Pu’s work. This year we plan to finish digitizing all his works in Hwa Kang Museum, including 312 pieces (61 works) of painting, calligraphy and manuscript. In addition, for further interpreting Pu’s work, we will include 138 pieces (27 works) of painting and calligraphy by his clan (Qing Dynasty royal family) and students, including Pu Jie , Pu Quan, Tang Shi-xia,Wu Yong-Xiang, Jiang Zhao-shen . All together 450 items. This proposal is trying to use the digitization technique to establish an archive of Pu’s work in our collection to expand the application of his work in teaching, research, exhibition and museum management. In the following years, we are planning to collaborate with other institutes to establish a more complete digital archive of Pu Xin-yu’s work in Taiwan. |