本研究利用全球實施競爭法的102 個國家的橫斷面資料,分析競爭法在整體生產 力成長過程中所扮演之角色。初步結果顯示:競爭法之影響效果,會依各國發展 階段之不同,而呈現不對稱的型態。基於以上發現,本研究將檢定以下命題之真 偽:(1)低所得開發中國家因政經組織架構,無法跨越門檻水準,即使實施競爭 法;但,競爭法對經濟成長的影響甚為有限。(2)已開發國家與中度所得開發中 國家的組織架構,雖已跨越門檻水準;但,競爭法對經濟成長的影響,仍須視政 府執法效率而定。沒有高度執法效率的配合,嚴格的競爭法規範非但無助於生產 力成長,反而會對產業發展形成不利之潛在影響效果。
In order to identify the effect of competition law on productivity growth, this project plans to conduct a cross-country study using a sample of 102 countries that enforce this law. The preliminary result presented in this proposal shows that the effect exhibits an asymmetrical pattern depending on the stage of development of each country. Based on this finding and the underlying literature, this project will test the following propositions: (1) For the poor LDCs whose institutional frameworks cannot exceed a threshold level, competition law has a very limited effect on changing economic activity and its legislation is neither harmful nor helpful in terms of market competition or economic growth. (2) As to the DCs and middle income LDCs, although their institutional frameworks have passed the threshold level, the effect of competition law on growth still has to depend on the law enforcement efficiency of the government. Without an efficient enforcement scheme, a stronger competition law not only cannot support productivity growth, but might also slow down the potential path of growth