摘要: | 韓語副詞不僅可以限定、修飾動詞、形容詞,還可修飾冠形詞、數詞、代名詞、副詞和句子。副詞形態固定,使用上其所在位置也影響限定修飾的範圍。部分副詞表示談話人的心理態度,亦和表示心理態度的連結語尾、終結語尾形成呼應、照應關係。本文旨在由副詞作用的本質、使用的方法和副詞在句中所存在的位置、特性來看其與連結語尾、終結語尾、樣態補助動詞/形容詞等詞類的呼應(共構)關係及功能與特色。
本文針對1.副詞+依存名詞 2.副詞+助詞 3.副詞+動詞 4.副詞+形容詞 5.副詞+副詞 6.副詞+補助動詞 7.副詞+補助形容詞 8.副詞+連結語尾 9.副詞+終結語尾,探討其間的互相呼應關係。
由上述呼應關係得知呼應結構具有下列功能:1.強化語意(如비록+ 아도),2.否定程度(如전혀+否定副詞或補助動詞/形容詞),3.表當然性(如반드시 + -아야 하다),4.再次確認(如하물며+-겠는가),5.假定條件(如만일+ -(으)면),6.推斷猜測(如아마도+-(으)ㄹ 것이다),7.比較意味(如–보다 더/ 덜)等。
綜合上述可發現韓語副詞具一大特色,即在句中省略該副詞仍能「不失原義」,但若加上該副詞則有重疊強調其語意功能。(例:왜냐하면 시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해서다.→시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해서다. 아무리 바빠도 오늘 일을 내일로 미루지 않는 게 좋아? →바빠도 오늘 일을 내일로 미루지 않는 게 좋아?)
In Korean language, adverbs can restrict and modify verbs. They can also modify articles, numerals, pronouns, sentences and other adverbs. The forms of adverbs are fixed. When used, the position of an adverb in a sentence will influence the range of its modification. Some of the adverbs represent the speaker’s mental state. They also have a co-occurrence, or echoing, relation with connective and terminative endings that indicate mental states. The purpose of this article is, through the nature, usage and positions of the adverbs, to observe the functions and features of the co-occurrence relation among adverbs and connective/terminative endings, auxiliaries and adjectives.
This article focuses on the following structures:
1. Adverbs + numerals
2. Adverbs + Dependent Nouns
3. Adverbs + Postpositional words
4. Adverbs + Verbs
5. Adverbs + Adjectives
6. Adverbs + Adverbs
7. Adverbs + Auxiliary Verbs
8. Adverbs + Auxiliary Adjectives
9. Adverbs + Connective Endings
10. Adverbs + Terminative Endings
According the analysis of the co-occurrence/echoing relations listed above, the functions of these structures should be:
1. Enhancing the vigor of sentences. ( ex.비록+ 아도)
2. Expressing the extent of negativity (ex. 전혀+ Auxiliary Verbs / adjective of negativity)
3. Expressing propriety(ex. 반드시+-아야 하다)
4. Re-confirmation (ex. 하물며+-겠는가)
5. Conditionals(ex. 만일+ -(으)면)
6. Speculations(ex. 아마도+-ㄹ/을 것이다)
7. Comparisons(ex. –보다 더/덜)
After the discussion, we can see that all Korean Articles have a major feature: the original meaning of the sentence stays the same even if the adverbs are omitted. However, when they are used, the meaning of the sentence can be multiplied or enhanced. .(ex. 왜냐하면 시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해서다.→시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해서다. 아무리 바빠도 오늘 일을 내일로 미루지 않는 게 좋아? →바빠도 오늘 일을 내일로 미루지 않는 게 좋아?)
Korean Adverbs do not always form fixed co-occurrence relations with certain words or phrases. However, some of the adverbs indeed co-occur with specific part of speeches habitually, to express enhancements, negativities, speculations, giving in…etc. by modifying verbs, adjectives, or the sentence. |