羅特列克(Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec,1864-1901)誕生在一個貴族家庭,家境雖富裕但他卻天生殘疾,也因而失去了父親的疼愛及認同,不過羅特列克卻在繪畫創作中,找到了自己的存在價值。羅特列克在當時的社會中,不畏懼輿論的撻伐,以貴族的尊貴身分去描繪那些別人所不敢採用的、卻是自己真實生活環境的情境。本論文將探討當時的社會風氣、以及羅特列克的生活經歷對他的創作特質所造成的影響,並了解當時深植在人民心中的無政府主義與畫家的共鳴。筆者希望能深入研究羅特列克的歡場妓女圖畫、深受浮世繪所影響的創作風格,及其獨樹一格的諷刺繪畫特質。
Lautrec (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ,1864-1901) , a man of noble birth. Even though he was born in a wealthy family, but with his innate disabilities, he lose his father's love and recognition. So Henri turned to find his own value of existence from arts.At the time of the society, Toulouse-Lautrec, as an aristocrat, he with no fear of public pressure, he depicted the status and environments which was so real that no one dare to touched such cruel issue.This paper will explore the social conduct at the time, and the influence of Toulouse-Lautrec’s life experience to his creative qualities; also inquire into the Anarchism that was deeply rooted in artists and the general public.The author made an intensive study of Toulouse-Lautrec drawings of prostitutes、his creative style that influenced by “Ukiyo-e” and his unique style of satirical drawing qualities.