The popularity of the internet has grown enormously. In recent years dynamic webpages become more popular. The characteristics of dynamic webpages are changing at random and time effivenss. Retrieving a large of pages may span many time. Because pages have time effivenss, webpages have invalidity before retrieving them.
To synchronize dynamic web pages and database, our research provides two jobs scheduling with grid framework. One is the time division scheduling, another is the weighted scheduling. Deciding what data could be retrieved first. Our jobs scheduling run on the grid environment. We use many computers to retrieve webpages. This model can reduce retrieving time, and increase pages to retrieve. We are also compared with lacks superiorly.
An integrated auction merchandise platform for example. Retrieving American top ten auction websites in March 2010, there is an average of 118,591,011 merchandises. Useing time division scheduling. Three work nodes spaning five hours. They can reduce retrieving time about sixteen times. Useing weighted scheduling and round table. It spans five hours, and reduceing about eigthty times.