This drama, Error Marriage, is an adaptation from the Féng Yān Biography, a novel written during the Tang Dynasty. According to reduced writing style found in the framework of this thesis you are able to recreate from Feng Yen biography. Towards the end of the Féng Yān Biography it brings up the following question: “However, Féng Yān killed the impure women and confessed his crime. So was he a real hero?” Why can Féng Yān be a hero, be an adulterer and kill people? The heroine in Féng Yān Biography settled an affair and ruthless position, but belittled the personality of the heroine. My thesis will research the relationship between the roles in Féng Yān Biography, and measure the contrast between Féng Yān Poem and Shui Tiao Chi Bian. My thesis creates a new point of view from these books.