在現今台灣與國外投資與貿易關係日益密切之下,而要素移動與商品貿易之間具有替代關係或互補關係,在貿易理論上並沒有一致的結論,實證研究結果也不明確。而電子業對台灣之經濟發展具有不可抹滅之地位。因此,本研究將以台灣電子業對大陸投資與貿易之資料,檢驗投資與貿易之關連性。實證結果顯示:1. 電子業投資額與電子業之貿易額有正向關係,顯示台灣電子業對大陸直接投資與台灣電子業對大陸之貿易為互補;2. 台灣電子業整體投資額與台灣電子業與大陸之產業內貿易指數呈正相關,顯示兩岸電子業將朝向水平分工發展;因此台灣電子業應積極研發新技術、提升品質,提高台灣電子業對外之競爭力與產業升級機會。
The foreign direct investment and trade are increasing in Taiwan. The alternatives or complementary of foreign direct investment and trade relationship are not consistent with the conclusion of the trade theory, empirical results are also not coherent, and electronic industries play an important role in the economic development in Taiwan, and this study adopting the data of Taiwan's electronic industry investment and trade will inspect the relationship between investment and trade. Empirical results reveal the following statement: 1. Electronic industry investment and trade volume has a positive relationship, and it has shown that investment will replace the trade between Taiwan and Chain; 2. Electronic industry investment and G-L index has a positive relationship, and it suggests that relationship between the electronic industry and their Chain subsidiaries will be horizontal specialization; Accordingly, Taiwan's electronic industry should actively develop new technologies, improving the quality and the competitiveness of Taiwan's electronic industry. Furthermore, enhancing the opportunities for industrial upgrading.