本研究目的在探討優秀大專男子棒球選手不同守備位置的身體組成、爆發力及等速肌力之差異。方法:中國文化大學甲組棒球隊26名選手為研究對象,依不同守備位置分成三組(投手組10名、內野手組9名、外野手組7名),進行身體組成、爆發力(30公尺衝刺、CMJ垂直跳)及上、下肢等速肌力測試(膝關節、肘關節伸展及屈曲與肩關節90°外展內旋及外旋,角速度設定在300°/S、180°/S、60°/S)。所得資料以獨立樣本單因子變異數(one – way ANOVA)分析。結果:投手的肩關節外旋角速度60°/ S的平均動力達顯著高於內野手與外野手組 (36.03±6.04、31.15±5.7、27.92±6.23 watts, p < .05)。其他測驗項目雖在統計上並無顯著差異,但身體組成與爆發力及等速肌力之間皆有達顯著相關。結論:守備位置中以投手的肩關節平均動力優於其他守備位置。建議教練在訓練計畫的規畫中,可將不同守備位置的選手身體組成、爆發力與等速肌力的數值量化後,觀察並評估選手在訓練計畫中的經濟性。
The aim of this study was compare different fielding positions of elite college baseball male players on body composition, power and isokinetic strength. Methods: The subjects were 26 Chinese Culture University baseball players, and according to different fielding positions the subjects were divided into three groups (10 pitchers, 9 infielders and 7 outfielders). The body composition, power (30 Public foot sprint, CMJ vertical jump) and upper and lower extremity isokinetic strength were tested. The isokinetic strength test included knee, elbow extension and flexion and shoulder abduction 90° internal rotation and external rotation, and the angle velocity was set at 300°/S, 180°/S and 60°/S. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA (independent samples). Results: at 60°/S angle velocity, the shoulder external rotation of pitchers had higher average power than infielders and outfielders (pitchers: 36.03±6.04, infielders:31.15±5.7, outfielders:27.92±6.23,watts p<.05). Although there were no significant differences at other measurements, this study found significant correlation between body composition, isokinetic muscle strength and power. Conclusions: the pitcher had higher average power at shoulder external rotation than other fielding positions. It could be suggested that the coach should measure body composition, isokinetic muscle strength and power at different fielding positions during train program and then to estimate the economy.