摘要: | 隨著生活水平的提升,民眾開始注重環境保護相關問題,也傾向消費更自然健康的產品,因此具有衛生、自然和安全等特性之「有機商品」漸漸被大眾所喜愛;而近年來因全球氣候與環境的變遷,以及糧食危機之問題,已使得世界各國對於如大豆及小麥等大宗糧食作物有嚴格的監管措施,以保障國家的「安全糧食」數量。在有機食品中,有機米和蔬果是最為大眾所接受與食用的,而相關之研究也常有所聞,但具有高度經濟和營養之價值的有機豆類產品卻少有受到關注,本研究因此投入於有機大豆與大豆製品之消費者行為分析。依據Cathy et al. (1999)及Nicholas et al. (2004)的研究,從民眾對「有機」的認知程度、消費行為、社經背景因素等面向來進行分析,以釐清影響消費者對有機大豆與大豆製品的需求與偏好之因素。
本研究首先說明國內外大豆產業發展概況,現行在台灣市場上販售之大豆多數是從國外進口,而有機大豆僅占有少部分的數量,故本研究為瞭解目前市場上有機大豆與大豆製品之消費情形,於2010年9月24日至9月26日在台北世貿舉辦之「素食健康生活展」進行問卷調查,蒐集到497份有效問卷,問卷內容包括消費者對有機商品的認知、消費行為和社經背景。本研究主要以Samuelson (1938)所提出的「顯示性偏好理論」為基礎,並利用「條件選擇調查」方法來進行有機大豆與大豆製品的消費行為調查,實證分析則使用間斷選擇模型中的二元Probit模型進行消費者特性分析,評估影響民眾消費有機豆類產品的要素,其次,利用OLS和Tobit模型估計影響消費者購買頻率、數量與金額的因素,瞭解其影響消費有機豆類產品的程度,而同時,本研究以有機白米之消費作為對照,比較有機大豆及其製品的消費行為。為避免使用OLS分析所產生之樣本選擇偏誤的問題,並運用「Heckman兩階段樣本選擇模型」來檢測與修正模型。
After living standards have been improved, the foci of consumers are on issues of environmental protection and healthy natural products. Global climate change, environmental degradation and food crisis have triggered the regulation of “food security” and “food safety” in the world, especially for staple food crops, such as rice, wheat, and soybeans. For the sake of food safety, organic rice and vegetable has draw attentions of the public and the researchers. Soybean and soybean products are sources of high quality protein for the public. However, it’s high economic value and nutritional value were exceedingly rarely found. This study is aimed to analyze the factors for organic beans consumption. According to Cathy et al. (1999) and Nicholas et al. (2004)study, the factor lists cover the awareness of the consumer and their perceptions, consumer behavior, and demographic characteristics.
This paper firstly reports the development of soybean industry. In Taiwan, the soybeans mostly imported from abroad, so this study is to understand the consumptionsituation of organic soybeans and soybean products. A questionnaire survey is conducted during late September in 2010 in a Exhibition, entitled " Nature Healthy Vegetarian diet" held in Taipei World Trade Center. A total of 497 samples complete the questionnaire. This study investigated the consumer behavior of soybean and soybean products, based on revealed preference theory proposed by Samuelson (1938). A Probit model was used to estimate the regression model of binary dependent variable and the OLS and Tobit modelsare used to estimate the impact of consumer purchase frequency and quantity. A rice consumption analysis is used for comparison. Several results are drawn from this study. To avoid the problem of sample selection bias, Heckman’s test is applied for testing sample selection bias.
The results show that when people agree that organic products are good for the environment and health, they tend to consume organic soybean products. Consumers’ socio-economic background factors, such as education, age, income and other factors are important. Those who actively involved in environmental activities tend to actively consume organic products. Consumption of organic soybean and soybean products will be affected by factors such as income, age and environmental consciousness. Hopefully, based on the analysis of this study, policy implication can be made to make organic products become mainstream products in consumer market. |