摘要: | 本研究主要探討新北市高關懷學生親子依附、師生互動與學習自我效能之關係。本研究以抽取新北市11所國小高年級高關懷學生為研究對象,共計學生103為研究樣本,以「親子依附量表」、「師生互動量表」與「學習自我效能量表」等研究工具進行問卷調查。根據問卷調查所得到的資料,以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。
3. 國小高關懷學生在師生互動層面關係良好,在學生個人身分、家中排行及現與誰同住均不顯著,只有學生性別與年級有顯著差異。資料顯示五年級學生的師生互動優於六年級學生;女生的師生互動優於男生。
4. 國小高關懷學生在學習自我效能層面關係良好,在學生個人身分、家中排行及現與誰同住均不顯著,只有學生性別與年級有顯著差異。資料顯示五年級學生的學習自我效能優於六年級學生;女生的學習自我效能優於男生。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships among Parent-child Attachment, Teacher-pupils Interaction and Learning Self-efficacy of High Risk Students in New Taipei City. The participants composed of 103 students were randomly sampled from 11 elementary schools located in New Taipei City. Measurement used in this study included Parent-child Attachment Inventory, Teacher-pupils Interaction Inventory, and Learning Self-efficacy Inventory, which is innovated in this research. The obtained data were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.
The main results from this research were shown as following:
1. The current status of Parent-child Attachment, Teacher-pupils Interaction and Learning Self-efficacy of the High Risk Students was positive satisfactory.
2. The current status of Parent-child Attachment(both in father attachment and mother attachment)of the High Risk Students was positive satisfactory. The father Attachment of the High Risk Students shows no differences in gender, grade , birth order and family structure. However, differences exist in individual identity.The mother attachment of the High Risk Students shows no differences in grade, birth order and family structure. However, differences exist in gender and Individual identity.
3. The current status of Teacher-pupils Interaction of the High Risk Students was positive satisfactory. The Teacher-pupils Interaction of the High Risk Students shows no differences in individual identity, birth order and family structure. However,differences exist in grade and gender. Fifth graders had higher degree of Teacher-pupils Interaction than sixth graders. Female students had higher degree of Teacher-pupils Interaction than male students.
4. The current status of Learning Self-efficacy of the High Risk Students was positive satisfactory. The Learning Self-efficacy of the High Risk Students shows no differences in individual identity, birth order and family structure. However, differences exist in grade and gender. Fifth graders had higher degree of Learning Self-efficacy than sixth graders. Female students had higher degree of Learning Self-efficacy than male students.
5. There were significant relationships with each other among the Parent-child Attachment, Teacher-pupils Interaction and Learning Self-efficacy of High Risk Students.
6. The democratic Teacher-pupils Interaction could predict Learning Self-efficacy.
At last, implications of the findings and suggestions for parents, teachers, and future study were also proposed in the study.
Key words:High Risk Students, Parent-child Attachment, Teacher-pupils Interaction, Learning Self-efficacy. |