摘要: | 國防部在民國九十八年公布的國防報告書中,明確闡明我國兵役制度,分階段規劃由現行「徵募併行制」,在103年底要達成募兵比例100%之目標,而在第一線執行國軍招募工作的招募員,其經驗、技巧對招募成效有著舉足輕重之影響力,若國軍招募工作者未能獲得足夠激勵因素兼之工作滿意低落與高工作壓力下,極可能因此萌生離職傾向,造成招募成效不彰與募兵政策推動困難。
According to a report released by Ministry of National Defense in 2009, the military service system will gradually transfer from both conscription and mercenary systems to mercenary system by the end of 2014. Therefore, the experience and communication skills of the recruiters will have a huge impact on the result of the recruitment. In addition, due to the inefficient encouragement, low job satisfaction, and high job pressure, the recruiters might have the tendency to leave the job. As a result, the policy may encounter difficulties.
This study tries to understand the relationship among encouragement factors, job satisfaction, pressure, the tendency towards leaving jobs, and characteristics of individuals.
This study samples recruiters in recruitment center and armed forces. 800 copies of questionnaires has been issued. 703 copies are returned, and 633 copies are effective. The effective returned rate is 79.13%. The research found out us follows:
(1)The relationship between encouragement factors and job satisfaction is positive.
(2)The relationship between tendency towards leaving job and job satisfaction is negative.
(3)The relationship between the pressure and job satisfaction is negative.
(4)The job satisfaction can moderate the relationship between encouragement factors and tendency towards leaving job.
(5)Pressure does not moderate obviously between encouragement factors and work satisfaction is positive.
(6)Encouragement factors have different impact depending on different ranges of age, work places, and work hours.
(7)Job satisfaction has different impact depending on different genders, armed services, and work places. However, education might have partial impact.
(8)Job pressure has different impact depending on different ranks, armed services, work places, attributions, education, and family condition.
(9)Tendency towards leaving job has different impact depending on different genders, work places, attributions, and work hours. |