摘要: | 「創意」與「無限」一直是藝術創作者的特質,筆者的水墨創作,充滿了變化與趣味性,也是自我心象的表現。故本文主要針對筆者的水墨繪畫,做出深入的剖析與研究,關於內容結構的部分,共分為五章。
第一章、緒論 : 敘述筆者的研究動機,目的、範圍、方法與限制。
第二章 : 為筆者野柳水墨創作的學理基礎,此章分為兩節,第一節探討海景與繪畫的關連性,包括濱海繪畫留白的表現、歷代濱海名畫概述。第二節則介紹畫家吳彬的山水畫表現方式。
第三章 : 說明筆者的創作理念與實踐。此章分為四節,第一節為創作理念之淵源,主要敘述筆者受幻象風格繪畫之影響。第二節為自我創作之實地考察,由台灣北部濱海沿岸之地質學上的資料為主,分析探討北部濱海之地景概況,第三節為創作理念的實踐,除了以幻象風格入畫外,並運用特殊技法創作。最後是創作理念之分析,再從觀察、寫生、到開創。
第四章 : 本章為筆者的創作自述,創作內容分為兩個系列,各依畫面所要傳達的訊息與內容作更詳細的介紹。
第五章 : 省思與展望。以筆者三年的研究生涯進入主題,省思筆者的創作與理論,並制定下一階段的目標與方向,期望透過筆者的論文整理,能更進一步的瞭解自己的自我創作思維,即是作品所要傳達的意念與旨趣。
“Creativity”and “infinity”are always the characteristics of artist. They filled the varity and interesting in my ink painting, and it's also my imagination. This dissertation total get 5 chapters which make deep analysis and research for my ink painting .
Chapter 1, interduction: Describe the motive,purpose,category ,methodology and limitation of this research.
Chapter 2 : Based on the study of the creative ink painting, this chapter has two sections. Section one, to explore the relation between coastal scenery and painting. Including voids applied in the seashore painting and examples from ancient famous paintings.Section two, to explore a landscape painting by Wu-bin.
Chapter 3 : To explaine author’s theory and practice. This chapter has four sections , Sections one inspiration of creative expression, describes the effection of fantasy.
Section two based on the geology information to analyze to analyze geographt from the north coast of Taiwan.analysis of creation,from observation , sketching to research. Section three is practice of author, the piece not only add fantasy style of the picture but also use special technique in the creation. Last section is observation, sketching, and creating the work
Chapter 4: Painting description,there are two series in my creation,more introduction from te contents and message by each pictures.
Chapter 5: Intrpspection and prospection. Guide into the topic from three years studyingto introspect my creation and thesis, and set up the goal and direction for next step. Hope this dissertation make myself more understand my own creativity, this is the idea and purpose of my creation. |