摘要: | 如何快速有效的提高競技運動水準,未來在大型國際賽會取得優異的成績,其中關鍵是必須在有限的人力、物力、財力當中,做出最有利的分配,本研究利用文獻分析法,以「獲獎機率」與「獲獎效益」針對近三屆奧亞運前八名獲獎成績進行分析,結果如下:我國在奧運會獲獎情形為女子組(57.4%)優於男子組(42.6%);亞運會獲獎情形則為男子組(50.9%)優於女子組(46.2%),其餘為男女混合組(2.9%)。黃金計畫項目分析中,奧運會獲獎情形皆集中在奪金奪牌類項目約占9成,行銷台灣類項目約占1成,主流基礎類項目田徑、游泳、體操皆無成績;套用在亞運會獲獎牌項目中,三大類獲獎情形共占53.3%,其餘46.7%的項目中,同為奧運項目有自由車、排球、划船、籃球、馬術及帆船等六個項目,值得關注發展。重點競技運動指標分為4個構面,現況水準、人力資源、經濟設備與項目條件。奧運會重點項目包含:跆拳道、舉重、射箭、射擊、桌球、羽球、體操、游泳。亞運會:跆拳道、撞球、軟式網球、網球、高爾夫、空手道、射箭、射擊、自由車、舉重、保齡球、柔道、桌球、武術、棒球、
The critical key to improving effectively the level of sports and obtaining excellent results in the international tournament lies on the most efficient allocation of limited human, material and financial resources. The research design was based on the Content Analysis which was also called Documentary Analysis utilizing medal-winning probability and medal-winning efficiency. To investigate the records of the top 8th place in Olympic Games and Asian Games. Results: In the case of medal-winning in Olympic Games, women (57.4%) were superior to men (42.6%). The records of men (50.9%) were better than women (46.2%) in Asian Games; the remaining events were mixed group (2.9%). In the Golden Project, the event of golden medal winning in Olympic Games was about 90%, and the project of marketing Taiwan was only 10%. In the traditional events: track and field, swimming, gymnastics no results were obtained. In the Asian Games, the medal-winning of mainstream events were about 53.3%, and the remaining events were 46.7%. Cycling, volleyball, rowing, basketball, equestrian and sailing etc. were worth being developed. The indexes of events-priority were recent status, human resources, economic, equipment, and condition. Priority of implementation of key events in the Olympic Games, include Taekwondo, weightlifting, archery, shooting, table tennis, badminton, gymnastics, and swimming. The events in Asian Games are as follow: Taekwondo, pool, soft tennis, tennis, golf, karate, archery, shooting, cycling, weightlifting, bowling, judo, table tennis, martial arts, baseball, softball, track and field, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, rowing, equestrian, wrestling. |