本研究利用去氧核醣核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA)對於含苯環芳香族具有吸附效果之特性,對帶有致癌性質之染料進行吸附測試,分別為分散性染料、直接性染料、酸性染料及反應性染料。DNA製成薄膜則其本身易脆裂、且不易製備,再加上DNA具有良好的水溶性,故本研究將DNA含浸於不織布、並經由硝酸銅交鏈使其具耐水溶性。其後將改質DNA含浸不織布在不同pH質、溫度之各種染液中測試其吸附效果,並測試其脫附性質。測試結果顯示,染料本身的性質會對吸附效果產生影響,但若摒除染料本身的特性,改質DNA含浸不織布在40℃時之吸附效果較70℃時佳,而pH值對於改質DNA含浸不織布吸附效果影響相對較溫度小,但也可得知在強鹼環境下吸附效果會降低。脫附測試結果顯示,吸附溫度在70℃下和在40℃之脫附效果差異不大,且染液之酸鹼度對脫附率影響亦不大,和脫附外在環境之溫度相關。
In this study, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was used as an adsorption medium. It was found that the special chemical structure of DNA could adsorption the carcinogenicity compounds, such as benzene, biphenyl and most of dyes. According the reference analysis that dyes carry with benzo-structure whether the natural or the artificial dyes. However, DNA possess well-water-soluble property limited its application. For this reason, we tried to find suitable crosslinking agent to modify the special structure of DNA to reduce the water-soluble ability firstly, before the dyes adsorption test. And then the modified DNA was dipped on nonwoven fabric for enhance the strength. The adsorbing test were used four kind of dyes: disperse dye, direct dye, acid dye and reactive dye solutions as the experimental object. and the adsorbing test were at various pH and temperatures respectively. The results indicated that, adsorption ability were depends on temperature. And no obvious different on various of pH.