摘要: | 我國兒少安置機構的運作也所在多年,隨著被安置的兒少年齡漸長,而返家的機會又渺茫,獨立生活就成為少年勢在必行的選擇,加上近年來政府越來越關注少年的獨立生活情形,因此,研究者藉由深度訪談的方式,深入瞭解安置機構社工員對少年獨立生活的看法,以及其在提供服務過程的獨立經驗。
The operation of children and teenager placement center has been carried out for many years. While the children and teenager in placement gradually grow up, and the chance to back home is increasingly slim, it is imperative for these teenagers to be independent. Additionally, as the government has been paying more and more attention to the situation of teenager’s independent living in recent years, the study aims to look into the views of social workers in children and teenager placement centers on teenager’s independent living and the experiences in the course of services -offering through in-depth interview.
There are four objectives of the study: 1) To understand the views of social workers in children and teenager placement on teenager’s independent living, 2) to look into the satiation of the assistance being provided by placement centers, 3) to discuss the experiences of social workers in children and teenager placement in helping them build up independent living ability and 4) to anticipate that the result of the study could be offered to relevant departments for the references practically and administratively; the conclusion of the social workers’ experiences in the study is expected to be the practical references for relevant departments when making the policies.
According to the research, social workers consider that the independent living ability of teenagers shall include 4 aspects, namely life skills, education, employment, and physical and mental development. Particularly, life skills also cover self-management, interpersonal communication skills, household management, financial management, use of transportation, basic law knowledge, the use of social resources and establishment of supporting network and accommodation arrangement. As a result, the study suggests that apart from working out an independent living indicator, the relevant departments shall had better draw out a united independent living programs for the nation to guarantee the rights and interests of social workers and teenagers. |