In recent years, competition in the development of food industry across the Tai-wan Strait is fierce. Relationship quality among upstream and downstream manufactur-ers in the supply chain has become one of the enterprise competitive advantages. Aca-demics also indicate that relationship quality including the satisfaction of enterprise customers for their suppliers is influencing loyalty key. The empirical results of the study would explore its relevance and difference.
This study used random sampling survey method. Its study samples concluded procurement officers and executive officers in Taiwan enterprises and Mainland enter-prises having direct contact with downstream manufacturers. A total of 326 recycling questionnaires were in the study. Effective questionnaires were up to 302 and effective recovery ratio of questionnaires was up to 92.63%. The results were as follows: 1. Trust is to impact loyalty distributors positively (certain transactions and cumulative transac-tion). 2. Promise affected positively the cumulative transactions of distributors. 3. Sa-tisfaction (certain transactions and cumulative transaction) would positively influence the loyalty of distributors (attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty). 4. Trust is to impact positively the behavior loyalty of distributors. 5. Promise is to impact positively the be-havior loyalty of distributors. 6. Relationship quality, satisfaction and loyalty of rela-tionship mode among Taiwan and the Mainland distributors had difference. The study discussed the theory and management practice, and to suggest future research direc-tions.