在高科技服務業崛起時,極少數學者試圖探討品牌對於高科技服務業之影響。反之,過去多數研究著眼於一般的消費性產品。基於消費性產品的實證研究結果或理論建構未必能真正應用於高科技產業與高技術服務業。因此,此研究目的在探討影響高科技服務業品牌策略之因素,並從可行策略中推導出最合適之品牌策略,並發展基於多準則決策理論(MCDM)之架構以定義高科技服務業之品牌策略。本研究先以修正式德爾菲法(modified delphi)綜合高科技服務業品牌策略相關領域專家之意見,訂定高科技服務業品牌策略之準則要素,再以決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL),藉由求取品牌策略要素彼此間之因果關係以建立決策問題架構,且以分析網路流程法(ANP)作為工具求取各品牌策略準則對於高科技服務業組織構面下之權重。最後,灰色關聯度分析法(GRA)將被介紹用以推導準則與品牌策略方案之關係。如此便可對於高科技服務業之品牌策略方案定義進行評估和排序。本研究將以我國IC設計服務公司實證本分析架構之可行性,並進而證明企業運用品牌決策之有效性。本研究結果將可為高科技服務業於經營策略上之標準與建議。
At moment when the high technology service industry emerging, very few scholars tried to uncover the impacts of branding on a high technology service firm. Instead, most previous researches focused on general consumer goods industry. However, the empirical study results or theory constructions based on general consumer goods can’t really be applied on high technology industry in general and high technology service industry in special. Thus, this research aims to investigate the factors influencing branding strategies for high technology service firms and derive the most suitable branding strategies from suitable strategies. Further, develop a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) framework for branding strategy definitions in high technology service firms.
First of this research, use revising delphic oracle’s skills (Modified Delphi) integrate high-tech service experiential marketing advice from experts in related fields, stipulate the criteria factors of the high technology service industry experiential strategy, then, use the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) for configuring the decision problem structure. Then, the analytical network process (ANP) as the tool for calculating weights of each criterion. Finally, the grey relational analysis (GRA) method will be introduced for deriving the relationships between criteria and the branding strategy solution. Thus, the alternatives have been proposed for used the branding strategy of a high technology service firm.
The empirical study on IC design service companies will be leveraged for verifying the usefulness of this proposed analytic framework on branding strategies. The result of this research will be standards and suggestions of the business strategy for high technology service industry.