本研究目的為分析無前膝部疼痛問題舞者與近一年內曾經有過前膝部 疼痛問題舞者在從事芭蕾基本連續跳躍動作(ballet's simple ground échappé) 時,膝關節的肌肉作用機制與穩定平衡情形之差異;及比較連續跳躍疲勞 前後,膝關節的肌肉作用機制與穩定平衡情形之差異。受試對象為大學舞 蹈系女學生共24位,其中12位受試者無前膝部疼痛之問題,另外12位則是 近一年內曾經有過前膝部疼痛之問題者。本實驗利用12部Motion攝影機 (Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa CA) (200Hz) 架設於受試者四周位 置,拍攝受試者執行芭蕾基本連續跳躍之動作過程。將攝影機與2塊AMTI 測力板(AMTI Inc., Watertown, MA, USA) (2000Hz) 同步,測力板再與 Biovision肌電訊號器(Biovision Inc., Wehrheim, Germany) (2000Hz) 同步, 以自製的類比訊號同步器發出同步訊號。統計方法使用SPSS 12.0版統計軟 體,以平均值(mean) 及標準差(SD) 呈現受試者基本資料及所有試驗數據 資料,並用2×2 two-way ANOVA (有無前膝部疼痛問題× 疲勞前後),考驗 受試者於從事舞蹈連續跳躍動作時,各項參數之差異顯著性,統計顯著水 準皆定為α=.05,當達到顯著水準時,利用Bonferroni法進行事後比較(post hoc)。
The purposes of this study were (1) to analyze the difference of the knee joint muscle activation and balance between ballet dancers with and without anterior knee pain in ballet's simple ground échappé and (2) to analyze the difference of the knee joint muscle activation and balance between ballet dancers before and after fatigue in ballet's simple ground échappé. Twenty four collegiate students of dance department (twelve with and twelve without anterior knee pain) were recruited as subjects. Twelve Motion eagle digital cameras (Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa CA) (200Hz) were mounted around to capture the ballet's simple ground échappé. Two force platforms (AMTI Inc., Watertown, MA, USA) (2000Hz) were mounted to collect the ground reaction force. One EMG system (Biovision Inc., Wehrheim, Germany) (2000Hz) was used to investigate the knee muscle activities. Those instruments were synchronized with a synchronizer. The 2×2 two-way ANOVAs (with and without anterior knee pain × before and after fatigue) and Bonferroni post hoc test were performed on all variables using SPSS for Windows (Version 12.0, Chicago, IL) with alpha level of 0.05 to test the significant differences between variables.