關鍵詞:新產品屬性(new product attributes)、品牌知名度(brand awareness)、購買意願(purchase intention)
In recent years environmental awareness been enhanced to bring the green revolution. National government regulations and changes in the environment promote green energy industry to enhance environmental protection. Oil prices accelerated automobile manufacturers to commercialize electric vehicles, and encourage car manufacturers to invest more resources to conduct research and development. Electric vehicle is a new environmentally friendly green energy products, but the development was not very smooth. Until the last ten years there was development. Only pay attention to the past because the car manufacturers competing in the differentiation and low cost concept. When the innovative new products coming out, often overlooked consumer acceptance of predegree and thus fail. In this study, 400 questionnaires issued, 357 valid questionnaires were returned to the to have the driving experience of consumer acceptance of electric automobiles as a degree subject, found that consumers attribute to the new product is more important. Comparative advantage and complexity of which is more significant impact, and brand awareness is not affecting the willingness of consumers to buy, but the brand awareness it will affect consumers' price perception and acceptance of complexity. New properties will affect consumer purchase, and to have a professional purchasing consumers, relative to the impact of general brand awareness of consumers, higher prices for the purchase of consumer durable goods will have a smaller impact force.
Key words: new product attributes, brand awareness, purchase intention.