在時代洪流中,西洋繪畫藝術的發展與變化,能夠結合當下人們的日常生活經驗,同時間,又可掌握住傳統古典手法的藝術風格者,就屬新古典畫派(Neoclassicism)。本研究以新古典畫派大師大衛(Jacques-Louis David,1748-1825)與安格爾(Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres,1780-1867)為師法的對象,作一深入地研究。
筆者在就讀研究所期間,接受了 許坤成教授與 翁美娥教授的悉心教導後,轉而進入了新古典藝術的繪畫天地,並開啟了對古典技法研究的濃厚興趣,希望透過新古典畫派的精神與特色之深入體會與瞭解,促使未來的自我繪畫創作有一個更合宜及確定的方向,而不至於被潮流綑綁住而無所適從。
In the rapidly changeable world, “Neoclassicism” is the one which can reflect the present experience in life and keep the traditional styles of classical art in the development of western painting art. The investigating objects of this research are two masters of neoclassicism—Jacques-Louis David and Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.
In the process of receiving the patient guidance from Professor Sheu Kuen-cherng and Professor Ueng Meei-er in the graduate school, the author transferred to enter the field of “Neoclassicism” and further aroused great interests in the classical painting techniques. Moreover, in the process of exploring and increasingly understanding the sprits and characteristics of “Neoclassicism”, the author can have a clear direction and hold a whole viewpoint in his own future works that he will not be confused and contained by the changeable world.
Neoclassicism is the core of this research which the author adopts methods of theory research, of analyzing works and of practical creations. Through investigating and understanding the thoughts, traditions and techniques of Neoclassicism, the author can establish his own creation ideas and then combines present life experiences with his works to show the uniqueness and contemporary styles in his individual creations.