摘要: | 職業生涯發展與學習對於受雇於企業的勞動者,或是在家工作的電傳勞動者而言,都是必須面對與正視的問題。從人力資源發展(HRD)的角度來看,企業將組織的發展需求與員工的生涯發展目標相結合,藉由提供各種在職訓練、學徒制訓練、非正式學習的機會給員工,使員工和企業共同成長。然而今日的企業面臨到比以往更大的競爭,企業的受雇員工面臨到工作安全的危機,不再以單一工作場所為職涯發展的舞台,取而代之的是無疆界的生涯、電傳勞動的工作型態。不同於以往職場以工作任務、升遷為職涯發展的目標,電傳勞動者在每個接案的過程中尋求自我學習與職涯發展的機會。本研究訪談15位電傳勞動者,得到以下發現:
1 已往雖受雇於企業,但往往在工作數年之後為追求更彈性的時間安排與工作過程的自主而投入電傳勞動的領域。
2 電傳勞動者將在家工作、接案視為經營自己的事業,對於未來的主要目標是擴大接案的規模與數量,或是成立公司。
3 受訪者已往在相關產業的工作經驗,是日後自行開業接案的重要基礎。
4 受訪者遍感到對未來職涯發展的不安,而為了紓緩接案不穩定與未來籌組公司或工作團隊的資金壓力,會以兼職受雇工作或計畫未來投入受雇工作為策略。
5 受訪者將接案工作視為品牌、企業來經營,自認較缺乏企業經營管理與創新的能力。
6 受訪者對於參加各種學習活動的主要動機是為了增進目前的工作技能、擴大日後的服務範圍,以及擴展人際關係,藉以增進資訊的來源。
Advanced studies and career devolvement for both enterprise employees and tele-workers, who work at home, are ineluctable issues deserved to be further discussed.
As viewed from HRD, enterprise companies should combine both requirement of organization development and employees further career growing via offering different kinds of on the job training, apprenticeship training, and informal learning.
However, nowadays, enterprise companies confront enormous competition. Employees face the career crisis for unprecedented working styles, boundaryless career and teleworking instead of a fixed single working space.
Different from targeting on work assignments and career development, tele-workers are longing for opportunities for advanced studies and career development during case intake.
This research, after interviewing 15 tele-workers, concludes that:
1. Most respondents, who were hired by enterprise companies decided to become tele-workers, because they are seeking for flexible schedule and a self-arranged working flow.
2.Tele-workers regard working at home or case taking as running their own career. The goal is to expand the quality and quantity of projects or ultimately set up their own companies.
3. Previous, relevant working experiences of respondents are the important foundation for future self-support business.
4. Most respondents feel insecure of future career development. They plan to take, or already have, part time jobs as a strategy to overcome the instability of case intake and fund pressure of work team.
5. Respondents take their case intake as Brand management and Entrepreneurship. They reckon that they lack the abilities of enterprise business management and innovation.
6. The purpose of respondents for joining advanced studies are: developing professional skills, enlarging the future working service area, and expanding Inter-personal relationships. |